One of the key factors in having joy and fulfillment in life is to have great relationships. With this in mind, we have and continue to develop resources to help you build strong relationships.
Our heavenly Father loves relationships (association between persons) and when He created man, He intended to have a relationship with man (Gen 1:26-27; Gen 3:8; Lev 26:12). Man was designed to have relationships; first with God, then other humans (Mark 12:30-31; Gen 2:18a).
The bible is the manual that provides us with the tools necessary to build lasting and successful relationships (Ps 119:105). Our ability to build lasting and successful relationships is determined by how well we implement the tools provided to us from the manual (the bible). Every successful relationship has the potential of influencing many generations (Joshua 24:15, 31; Judges 2:7).
As a result, we cannot undermine how we do relationships. In order to properly build relationships, we need to understand ourselves, relationship principles and the person with whom we are in the relationship with (John 4:24a). These principles apply to all relationships including our relationship with God and man.
Always remember, we serve a relational God and it was for the purpose of relationship that we were created. Amen!
Brother’s Keeper - (The Epistle Of Paul To Philemon)
Destiny Defining Decisions
Kingdom Approach To Relationship
Rediscover and Understand Yourself In Context of Relationship
The Bible Provides Tools For Building Lasting And Successful Relationships
What Are Some of The Benefits of The Kingdom Approach To Relationship?
Discover People Who Demonstrated Kingdom Values In Relationship
Discover People Who Demonstrated Kingdom Priorities In Relationship
David Demonstrated Understanding In Kingdom Reward System In Relationship
Discover People Who Demonstrated Kingdom Purpose In Relationship
Discover People Who Demonstrated Understanding of Kingdom Identity In Relationship
Relational Attributes of God
The Attributes of The Giver